Sport psichology

Professional Training and Updating

Learn how to intervene and support sportsmen and élite athletes in the path of achieving goals and maximum performance. Qualify and earn the official "Sport Mental Coach" Certification.
Video Course Professional
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Sport Psychology offers applicable, indispensable and very efficient information and skills for achieving goals. Coaching is the branch of study that allows Sports Professionals, Physical Trainers, Personal Trainers and Instructors, to understand the mental dynamics that determine successes and limits in sports and for the improvement of performance. The Sport Psychology course is led by one of the leading experts in performance: Roberto Benis PhD, Physical Trainer in the highest categories of numerous sports, Osteopath, Therapist, Psychologist specializing in Sports Psychology. By accessing this training you can take the Sport Mental Coach qualification exam and receive the Official Certification.

Modules and Materials

Objectives functions and guidelines

Objectives functions and guidelines

09 Minuti e 38 secondi

Objectives functions and guidelines

Roberto Benis

Mental training for sports

Mental training for sports

45 Minuti e 40 secondi

Mental training for sports

Roberto Benis

Sport anxiety

Sport anxiety

24 Minuti e 58 secondi

Sport anxiety

Roberto Benis

Mindfulness and relaxation

Mindfulness and relaxation

29 Minuti e 04 secondi

Mindfulness and relaxation

Roberto Benis

Motivation in sport

Motivation in sport

24 Minuti e 37 secondi

Motivation in sport

Roberto Benis

Psychology, training and injury prevention

Psychology, training and injury prevention

38 Minuti e 07 secondi

Psychology, training and injury prevention

Roberto Benis

Emotions and sports

Emotions and sports

27 Minuti e 52 secondi

Emotions and sports

Roberto Benis

Index of the contents

The interventions of sport psychology

The interventions of sport psychology

The psychologist of the sport

The psychologist of the sport

Methods of intervention in sport psychology

Methods of intervention in sport psychology

The sports performance

The sports performance

The characteristics of the successful athlete

The characteristics of the successful athlete

Mental training

Mental training

Operational tools of mental training

Operational tools of mental training

Mental skills in sport

Mental skills in sport

Self talk

Self talk

Identification of positive and negative thoughts in the competition

Identification of positive and negative thoughts in the competition

Attention and concentration

Attention and concentration

The focus of attention

The focus of attention

Goal setting

Goal setting



Ideo-motor training

Ideo-motor training



The anxiety of sport

The anxiety of sport

Cognitive anxiety

Cognitive anxiety

Somatic anxiety

Somatic anxiety

The optimal level of Arousal

The optimal level of Arousal

The stress

The stress





The breathing

The breathing

The motivation

The motivation

Target model

Target model



The dropout

The dropout

The sports performance

The sports performance

The integrated training

The integrated training

Peack performance

Peack performance

Prevention of overtraining

Prevention of overtraining

POMS (profile of mood state)

POMS (profile of mood state)



The emotions

The emotions

Joy and performance results

Joy and performance results

The IZOF model

The IZOF model

Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence

Authors and Lecturers

Roberto Benis

Graduated in Physical Sciences, physical preparer, in addition to numerous Certifications has held teaching roles for FIP, FIPAV, FIT.

He has dedicated and continues to devote years of careful work to training. Ph.D. in Sport Sciences at the University of Milan, graduated in Physical Sciences and graduated in STAPS at the University of Dijon (France).

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