Roberto Benis


Roberto Benis

Roberto Benis

He has dedicated and continues to devote years of careful work to training. Ph.D. in Sport Sciences at the University of Milan, graduated in Physical Sciences and graduated in STAPS at the University of Dijon (France).

He also holds a Doctor of Psychology, Massophysisiotherapy and a Bachelor of Science in Osteopathic Science from the University of Wales. In addition to numerous Certifications, she has held teaching positions for FIP, FIPAV, FIT has been certified Strenght and Conditioning Coach NSCA. He has a long experience in the field of physical preparation in volleyball, both male and female, working with Foppapedretti Bergamo for 12 years and the Women’s National Teams of Germany and Bulgaria. Since 2008, she has held the position of physical trainer of the Italian National Women’s Basketball Team and supervision of development programs for the National Youth Team. In ATS he is Author and Trainer in Corrective Exercise.
