Force plates

Training and updating for the use of force platforms

The training course to qualify in the professional use of Force Plates and achieve the Certification "Specialist in the use of Force Plates". Scientifically updated source and comprehensive training.
Video Course Professional
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In the field of motor assessment, technology has made great strides, offering fast and functional solutions to professionals who can monitor the performance levels of athletes and sportsmen, for sports, rehabilitation and much more. This video course offers the possibility to access the most requested information on the market in the category of sports performance. Innovative wireless tools and reading of results on tablets and smartphones, practical applications and performance screening, in performance, rieducation and reathletization. Specific protocols and technological implementation, testing, monitoring and interpretation of data.

Modules and Materials



21 Minuti e 01 secondi


Antonio Robustelli

Principles of basic applied biomechanics

Principles of basic applied biomechanics

32 Minuti e 48 secondi

Principles of basic applied biomechanics

Antonio Robustelli

Technology and operation of force plates

Technology and operation of force plates

26 Minuti e 02 secondi

Technology and operation of force plates

Antonio Robustelli

Pratical application: screening performance

Pratical application: screening performance

17 Minuti e 52 secondi

Pratical application: screening performance

Antonio Robustelli

Pratical application: fatigue monitoring

Pratical application: fatigue monitoring

07 Minuti e 11 secondi

Pratical application: fatigue monitoring

Antonio Robustelli

Specific protocols and technology implementation

Specific protocols and technology implementation

20 Minuti e 42 secondi

Specific protocols and technology implementation

Antonio Robustelli

Index of the contents

Biomechanical variables

Biomechanical variables

Signal processing

Signal processing

What’s a force plate?

What’s a force plate?

Systems overview

Systems overview

Principles of applied basic biomechanics

Principles of applied basic biomechanics

Force, pressure, normal force

Force, pressure, normal force

Ground reaction force

Ground reaction force

Force-time curve

Force-time curve

Rate of force development

Rate of force development

Pressure centre and centre of mass

Pressure centre and centre of mass



Laws and principles of human movement

Laws and principles of human movement

Difference between speed and acceleration

Difference between speed and acceleration

What is the power?

What is the power?

Force transducers

Force transducers

Ground reaction forces (GRF)

Ground reaction forces (GRF)

Test the vertical jump

Test the vertical jump

History of jump testing

History of jump testing

Technologies in comparison

Technologies in comparison

Functional evaluation vs performance evaluation

Functional evaluation vs performance evaluation

Eccentric RFD

Eccentric RFD

The concept of basic profile

The concept of basic profile

Fatigue monitoring

Fatigue monitoring

Systematic approach

Systematic approach

Implementation process

Implementation process

Isometric mid-thigh pull

Isometric mid-thigh pull

Loaded squat jump

Loaded squat jump

Authors and Lecturers

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